Saturday, August 21, 2010

How should I deal with an ingrown toenail?

My feet have been hurting for a while. I have had athlete's foot for a while but I am taking prescribed medication for it. Now I also seem to have an ingrown toenail, because I have noticed that there the outside edges of my big toe are very painful if I so much as apply any pressure to them. This really sucks because I love to play soccer. Anyway, I noticed it was getting bad (there is a red bump on the edge of one of my toes) so I busted out the first aid kid and took out a surgical nail clipper and dug under my toes. What I found was really gnarly. The toenail has dug a canal into my toe. It is very painful and swollen. So I grit my teeth and used the clipper to clip out what I could and rip out what I couldn't. Now there is mostly empty space there, but it is still painful. Are there any tips on what steps I should take from here?How should I deal with an ingrown toenail?
soak your foot in warm water and epsom salts, about a tablespoon of the salts to a gallon of water. soak for twenty minutes every day, then bandage the wound, it will heal faster and better if you keep it clean and covered. You might also want to put a little Neosporin on it the first time you bandage it.How should I deal with an ingrown toenail?
If the Epsom salts don't work and the pain persists, I recommend going to a podiatrist. My ingrown toe nails were a problem for a long time and I had to go to the doctor for it. Now they only act up once in a great while.

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