Thursday, August 5, 2010

How can u fix an in-growing toenail?

ive picked the wick from my toe nail and it hurts like hell.ive had one nefore and me and my dad went to doctors and went through a lot of trouble to fix dad says if i get one again he`ll chop my toe know he wont but he`ll still be mad.ive told my mum and she says theres nothing i can do.ive tried to remember wot the doctor did,but she used pills and bandages and reall hurts will someone PLEASE help me!!!How can u fix an in-growing toenail?
Get a bobby pin or other small instrument, next get a very small rolled up piece of paper/cotton and lift the nail up and shuv the paper/cotton as far into the nail as possible. it will hurt for the first 10 mins. like crazy but slowly your nail will grow up and over the infected/ ingrown part. however be sure to change the cotton/paper every once in awhile so that doesnt get icky. hope it helps!How can u fix an in-growing toenail?
DONT listen to GP ( person above) thats dangerous!

my brother had one once and he has had them before too.

When it gets really bad, go to your doctor and they will suggest a operation ( not really serious) no need to worry. They will slight lift your nail up and cut a bit of your nail off. then they will clean it out and get all the junk out. They will put a bandage over the nail until it heals enough to be taken off ( a couple of weeks) When the take all the junk out, they are taking out the bit that caused the infection. This will prevent this from happening again.

Hope this helps Xx

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