Thursday, August 5, 2010

Need advice on my dogs hurt leg/ toenail ?

My dog has been having some irritation (looks red and sore like someone tried to pull it off) on one of his toenails right where it enters through the skin, it is on the outside and I was wondering if he could have just bent it the wrong way. He has been limping quite a bit and I am worried. I made an appointment at my vet鈥檚 office, but it is three days away. I think he might have twisted it along with his leg when we were playing fetch, I have been trying my best to keep him off it but I cannot keep an eye on him when I am in school. I know I am probably over reacting I just hate seeing him in discomfort. If anyone knows of anything that might help his leg and toenail until his vets appointment please let me know. Thank you!Need advice on my dogs hurt leg/ toenail ?
In the morning, load him in the car and take him to the vet and forget the appointment.Need advice on my dogs hurt leg/ toenail ?
If its swollen and it gives him some pain, the first thing you need to do is is give him some antibiotics... I own 6 dogs and when I see swollen part of their buddy I always give them antibiotic before the things gets worst.

On your case better to give him antibiotic or even take her directly to the vet if you are really worried...don't worry the vet will entertain you once you are there and be there on or before she opens his clinic.
Our vet told us to use a solution of 1 part peroxide to 2 parts water to clean damaged/infected toenails on a rabbit. I would think it would be okay to use the same on a dog. I don't know what kind of dog you have but if he is small maybe you could keep him in a crate, or indoors in a dog-safe room, while you are at school so that he doesn't further injure himself.
try some baby aspirin. it should ease the pain enough so he can relax and it wont be harsh on his stomach. other than that, there's nothing you can really do, your dog will mostly take care of himself and you wouldn't want to risk making it worse. it's not the best help, i know how you feel, you want to do more
How much does he weigh?

OK. He can have 1 regular adult aspirin 2x's /day. DON'T give Tylenol (acetaminophen) or any kind of ibuprofen- just plain old aspirin.
I'm not a vet, but if you've not tried to clean it, carefully use a drop of baby shampoo to about a pint of water and soak his foot in it. Baby aspirin is good for pain for him. He can probably handle a whole aspirin one for his 60 lbs.

I wish I knew more, but maybe someone on here does. Hope he's ok soon. Just know that when a dog really hurts, they go down and won't walk if it's too painful. I don't think you're overreacting, I'd feel the same way.

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