just soak your toe in warm water and use tweezers
save yourself alot of moneyI need to get an Ingrown Toenail Surgery, how long will it take to heal?
ughh....i just threw up in my mouth
Depends on how much they gut away at the root of the nail so 2 weeks probably my son had his done twice. as for driving use the pad of the foot on the gas and brake so it should be alright
Hello, I am a podiatrist. I do this op all the time. If done with local anaethetic, you can drive home. (Not if general tho') There are 2 methods. Go for someone who does chemical cautery. If the ingrown nail hurts 10 on a scale, the op hurts about 4. That is, post op pain is less than ingrown nail pain. On the other hand, if they do a sharp procedure called a Winigrad, all bets are off. That mother hurts! Don't expect to wear a shoe for a month. Surprisingly, plenty of docs still do the winigrad despite this. I never use it myself....
My thirteen year old grandson just had one done and only had the big bandage on for a couple days, only for the blood seeping to stop. He had his shoes on in three days and only had a small bandage on so is shoe wouldn't rub on it. He is having another one done tomorrow, but is going to have acid put on his toes so they don't keep doing it. It will be all done and over with for him to go to school on Monday. You can do it, and you should be able to drive with no problems.
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