Thursday, August 5, 2010

Need to be knocked out for Toenail Surgury?

If any doctors are out there, I would appreciate your help.

Okay, I have an ingrowing toenail. I'm sure many of you have had them too. I already had this on my other toe and had to have the offending part removed in hospital. The problem is, I have a fear of needles. A lot! I also know what it's going to be like because last time the shots hurt like hell, I have no idea what they used.

Is there anyway I could go in hospital and put to sleep (with gas, not needles) for this operation. I know it might be a little too much for this kind of procedure but I need it done and there is no way I'm doing it while I'm awake.

My friend told me that he was put to sleep for his a while ago but he said he thinks they did that because he has haemophilia (no idea why)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Need to be knocked out for Toenail Surgury?
I've had ingrown toenails surgically removed. The shot certainly does hurt, but I was able to tolerate it. Explain the situation to your physician and ask for something for anxiety that you can take just before the surgery. It will relax you and taking the shots should be a breeze. It's certainly better for your health than having a general anesthesia.Need to be knocked out for Toenail Surgury?
I have had all of my toe nails surgically removed and it was done using a local. I didn't hurt at all. The worst part was the changing of the bandage and can't be knocked out for that so you might as well get used to it!

I had to have a toenail removed recently.The doctor did localize numbing in the area much like a dentist does and then pulled out the toenail and bandaged the toe,Then he gave instructions to use antibiotic ointment and change the bandage once daily
Having a surgery and avoiding needles is close to impossible. I am not familiar with any surgery involving the removal of toenails, but I doubt that they would put you under for it.

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